Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rose Oil and Love Life

The rose is perhaps one of the most powerful symbols in the metaphysical world. It is also one of the most accessible tools that can be used for everyday magic.

The gift of a rose is also one of the simplest ways to say, "I love you" without too much hocus-pocus. The thorns on its stems represent the "prick" of love and the overcoming of obstacles to achieve your desires. It is the pinnacle of metaphorical purity and symbolizes completion and perfection.

The element associated with the rose is Water, so it is particularly friendly to the astrological signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Both Mercury and Venus rule this flower. A bath in rose petals or rose water (which is distilled from the buds) is said to attract love to the bathing beauty.

An ancient custom is to sprinkle the bed of newly weds with rose petals to sweeten the initial carnal relations. In ancient alchemical formulas the red rose is used as a masculine principle and the rose represents the feminine or receptive principle. The combination of the two (perhaps growing the two bushes intertwined in the garden) represents harmony and unity.

Rose oil, which is extracted through a rather expensive process from the petals of the flower, is also prominent in both love and healing rituals. When applied the temples the oil is said to cure a headache. When applied to the thighs or breasts it is supposed to attract a suitor. As an essential oil, the rose's essence is thought to relieve depression, PMS and postnatal depression.

It is also said to cure frigidity and impotence. Bach's Herbal Remedies makes a distillation of the Wild Rose.

Taking drops of this under your tongue is thought to help the patient free themselves from a rut or feelings of hopelessness and being trapped by fate. Rose water is used in cooking spells and added to curries and cake mixes to infuse the dish with good spirits and love attracting qualities. The water is also splashed on the skin (but not around the eyes) to give you a complexion as dewy as the flower.

The rose historically also symbolizes the female genitalia and is associated with Cupid, Eros, Adonis, Aphrodite, Isis, Hathor, and Demeter. Rose water and rose petals are often used in magical rituals to honor these gods and goddesses.

Although red roses are traditionally seen as symbols of lust, love and the flower also has a long association with such qualities as purity, compassion and divine perfection. The white rose in particular has an affinity with the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.

The color of the rose is also significant. Red roses symbolize love, sex and passion. Pink roses suggest friendship, joy, gratitude and fun. Yellow roses can symbolize enthusiasm, but according to some folklore, the yellow rose can symbolize deception or "the perfect crime." Orange roses signify enthusiasm, passion and a lust for life. White roses are symbolic of significant landmarks in life (such as death, birth and marriage), unconditional love, purity and innocence.

The flower is not the only part of the rose that is used in divination and magic. To discover their romantic future, women used to take pluck three green rose leaves and name one after each of their suitors. The one that stayed green the longest was her soulmate. Rose hips can be strung like beads on a thread and worn as a necklace to attract love. Drinking rose-hip tea is thought to increase one's powers of prophecy.

Ironically, for a flower that is often given as a gift, the most powerful roses are said to be those that have been stolen from another person's garden.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Skin Care With Rose Oils

Gambar Hot yulia perezFor centuries the rose has been associated with feminine beauty and hence skin care. Bulgarian pure rose oil is a top note essential oil. Its frequency is extremely high and rapid. Rose oil has the highest frequency (320 Hertz) of all the essential oils on the planet. This in itself is an important factor. It means that the fragrant molecules of the rose oil, on inhalation or application, are able to quickly penetrate and travel the infinitesimal pathways of the body, rapidly energising every cell, bringing balance, harmony and beauty to the body. more info>>

Yulia perez bugilRose essential oil has a long history in folk remedies, especially in the area of skin care. It is suitable for all skin types, but it is especially valuable for dry, sensitive or aging skins. It has a tonic and astringent effect on the capillaries just below the skin surface, which makes it useful in diminishing the redness caused by enlarged capillaries. It is important to ensure that the product you use contains the genuine rose essential oil. Many manufacturers label their products containing rose essence but it could be synthetic. Synthetic rose ingredients have no therapeutic value at all! Remember, with authentic rose otto, a little goes a long way.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Magical Use of Rose Oil

The Rose is a Goddess herb belonging to Venus and the Water element. Rose is the accepted love scent. Rose buds are added to bath water to conjure a lover. Place some in a red cloth bag and pin it under your clothes. Rose hips worn as beads attract love

True rose essential oil and rose absolute are expensive but worth it, one drop has powerful properties. DO NOT use synthetics. Rose oil is used in formulas designed to attract love, confer peace, stimulate sexual appetites, and enhance beauty. A tea of rosebuds drunk before sleep induces prophetic dreams.

Rose petal and hips are used in healing spells and mixtures. Rose petals sprinkled around the house calm personal stress and household upheavals. Roses planted in the garden attract fairies and are said to grow best when stolen. Burn as incense for: Healing, Health, Love, Luck, Creativity, Balance, Anointing, Divination, Clairvoyance, Protection, Psychic Awareness.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bulgarian Rose Oils

artis bugilMade from fresh steam distilled Bulgarian Rose (Rosa Damascena) petals, rosewater is renowned as a gentle skin softener. Care for your skin with our completely natural product for skin and hair.

The natural rose water is a gently cleansing and toning product for all skin types. Maintains the pH balance, stimulates regeneration processes, has a calming effect in acne and sunburns. As a result the skin texture becomes even and elastic.

Recommended for acne and skin irritation. For nourishing and hydrating the skin and face. For moisturizing the body after a shower or bath. For dry and damaged hair.
yulia perez and rose
Extensively used in perfumes and as an emollient in skin care products. It’s tonic and soothing quality is useful for all skin types, especially mature, dry and sensitive, helpful for inflammation and reducing the visibility of broken capillaries. Can be used as a facial toner on it’s own. Can be used as an air freshener to balance the spirit.

Rose also offers a soothing property to the nerves and emotional and psychological state of mind. It is regarded as a mild sedative and anti-depressant. It is increasingly used in treatments for conditions of stress: nervous tension, peptic ulcers, heart disease, among others.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

In aromatherapy, rose oil inspires emotional calm and stability without sedative effects. The aroma is powerful and comforting. Its physical actions are mildly astringent and balancing. Rose and lavender facial cream is excellent for sensitive combination skin. Dabbed onto a freshly washed face this cream is a fragrant, toning emollient.

Gather the following:

* 4 ounces jojoba oil
* 3 ounces distilled water
* 1/2 ounce beeswax
* 20 drops rose absolute or otto
* 15 drops lavender

Melt the wax in the jojoba oil using a double boiler. Add the distilled water in a thin stream while vigorously beating the mixture with a wire whisk. Remove from heat and continue whisking the oil while adding the essential oils drop by drop.

Suggested variation: Make a tea of fresh rose petals and lavender flowers and use this in place of the distilled water.

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils extracted from plants for both physiological and psychological treatment. Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that began when people of early civilizations began discovering the healing properties of plants.

The term "aromatherapy" was first used by René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemist in 1928. Gattefossé was working in his family's Operfumier business when he accidentally discovered that lavender caused a severe burn on his hand to heal more rapidly and without scarring. Another of his observations was that essential oils in their whole state were more effective than synthetics or any of the isolated active ingredients of the oils. Another French scientist, Dr. Jean Valnet used essential oils to successfully treat both medical and psychiatric disorders. The first actual aromatherapy clinics were established in Paris, Britain, and Switzerland by Madame Marguerite Maury.

Essential oils are not oils as we generally think of oils. Most of them have a very light texture and evaporate quickly. Essential oils are found in all the various parts of plants including the bark, roots, leaves, flowers, seed, wood, resin, and balsam. Some plants produce rather large quantities of oil, some have very low content. Take for example one of the most popular oils, rose. There is so little aromatic content in rose flowers that it a ton of petals produces only 10.5 ounces (300g) of rose oil. It's important to note that essential oils should virtually never be applied directly to the skin until mixed in a carrier oil. Carrier oils are pure gentle oils, such as sweet almond oil and apricot kernel oil that "carry" the essence to the skin.

Today, essential oils are extracted from the plants used for aromatherapy, making them very concentrated. The two basic ways aromatherapy is accomplished is by applying the oils to the skin and by inhalation. The term "aromatherapy" can be a bit misleading because it's not only the aroma that is therapeutic. The oils also interact with body chemistry directly, thus affecting certain systems and organs.


To treat irregular periods - mix the rose oil in a carrier oil and massage the abdomen and lower back daily.
To treat depression - inhale, or use a rose oil in a carrier oil to massage the chest, neck and face.

Rose Oil Warnings

Rose oils are for external use only. Keep rose oils away from children. Avoid eye contact. Do not use rose oils during pregnancy. Rose oils are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Familiarize with pure essential oils before use.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Magic of Humus

If your soil is out of the correct pH range, you can change it. This is where the magic of soil biology creates miracles. Humus is the magic formula for most soil problems. Humus, which you can create by composting with compost bins, will help improve your soil pH. It will also improve soil that is too sandy, has too much clay, or has other problems.
If your soil is extremely acid, which can happen in an area with heavy rainfall, or soil that has had overdoses of chemical N-P-K fertilizer, you may need to add limestone to “sweeten” the soil.
For most other soil problems, humus is the answer. You may not have humus available. If that is the case, don’t worry. We will discuss how mulching can help your roses. For more information on composting, see the Composting Guide.
You can create compost with plant clippings and other yard debris, rather than throwing them away. They will provide you with a continuous supply of humus in the future.
You should be careful if you decide to purchase compost. Many compost products are not fully composted and are still too ‘hot’ for your garden.
Organic fertilizers should be added during the growing cycle. You can even find special organic rose fertilizer that is designed specifically with rose gardening in mind.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Herbal Teas-2

There is nothing more satisfying and enjoyable than the fresh taste of a hand crafted, loose-leaf herbal tea. These delicious and nourishing beverages make a lovely compliment to your morning, a revered companion in the afternoon and they faithfully represent the required relaxation we all deserve in the evenings. Unlike finely cut conventional tea found in mass manufactured tea bags, our loose-leaf herbal tea is fresh, fragrant, tasty, longer lasting and far more economical. Our passion for freshness provides us with the groundwork that all of the herbal teas we blend are made fresh prior to your order and exclusively with aromatic organic materials. It is this simple recipe that enables us to provide a tea which is unrivaled in taste, color, depth and aroma, and in fact we firmly believe nobody can deliver a better cup! The loose-leaf herbal teas offered by
Mountain Rose Herbs are made with certified organic ingredients, and when organic materials are not available, we will opt for carefully wildharvested herbs. We never have, nor will we ever use conventionally grown materials in our teas which may contain pesticide residues and other harmful chemicals. Each loose tea is packaged in a re-sealable kraft bag with a paper glassine liner and comes with complete brewing instructions. Our 3 oz size brews 8-12 cups of tea, and our 1 lb size brews 40-60 cups of tea. All herbal teas are caffeine free.All of our herbal supplement teas are Certified Kosher through Oregon Quality Kosher and those marked certified organic are 100% organic blends certified by OTCO.

Infusion = Tea made from leaves, flowers and light material. Put 1-2 teaspoons of herbal tea material into a brewing utensil of your choice and place in a 6-8 oz size cup. Add lightly boiled water and allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes. For a more "medicinal" effect steep 15-30 minutes. Will keep refrigerated for 24 hours.Decoction = Tea made from bark, roots, seeds, twigs and berries. Put 1-3 tablespoons of cut herb, seed, root, bark, etc into a pot of 16-32 oz of water and allow to sit in non-boiled water for at least 5-10 minutes. Set on stove and bring to a slow boil then turn down to a simmer for 10-30 minutes. Strain and drink. Will keep about 72 hours if kept refrigerated. Most decoctions can also be brewed via single cup through a regular infusion process as noted above but without the strength.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Much To Water Roses

Roses like a lot of water during the growing and blooming season. But this doesn't mean give them a small amount every day. Like with watering other plants, it is better to water deeply rather than just a little bit at a time, so that the water can fully penetrate the roots. Just sprinkling them with the hose is not enough.
Let the hose give your roses a full, thorough soaking. A good four or five gallons worth of water per rose bush is a basic rule of thumb. Depending on how much rain your garden gets, a deep watering once a week is usually enough even in drier parts of the country. If it is extremely hot and dry, perhaps every four days or so.
Avoid watering during the heat of the day in direct sunlight. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to water.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Flowering Teas

Wonderful, captivating and engaging; flowering teas transform the simple act of drinking tea by producing an aesthetically rich experience full of color and vibrancy. Hand-sewn flowering teas are produced in remote tea gardens in southwestern Yunnan province in China near the borders of Laos and Vietnam. White, green and black teas are picked in the early mornings. While damp, the tea leaves are flattened and sewn with cotton thread into the various shapes and bundles. (Tea leaves may also be scented with jasmine blossoms before sewing begins for a more floral flavor.) Some shapes take about one minute to sew while other more elaborate designs may take up to 10 minutes. While still moist, the leaves are shaped into balls, mushrooms, cones, etc, and finally, the teas go through the usual drying, oxidation and firing process which closes the process and provides the finished product.The line of flowering teas and our tea sampler come beautifully packaged in a recycled content canister, making them ideal and convenient gifts.
Steeping Instructions: Place one Flowering Tea in a teapot (a clear glass teapot is recommended so you may watch it unfurl). Bring water to a low boil and pour over tea. The tea leaves will unfurl and the tea flower will slowly open. Allow to steep 2-3 minutes, or to desired strength.After enjoying the first pot, a Flowering Tea may be re-steeped 2-3 more times. The tea you make should be decanted into teacups within a short period of time so that leaves do not remain in hot water, which would adversely affect the fine taste of this tea. Please note that above estimations are based upon a teapot which holds 18-20 ounces.

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