Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Benefits of Buying Organic
1. Chemical free food/herbs. (Need we say more?)
2. Natural sustainable agriculture. (Organic crops build healthy soil through crop rotation, using composting methods, and relying on natural cycles of life to help reap bountiful harvests)
3. Farm worker safety. (Non-organic harvesters are directly exposed to agricultural chemicals. Adding enormous health risks, skin irritations, lung degeneration, and several known cancers. Organic harvesters need not worry about this)
4. Reduced pollution. (Organic agriculture avoids substances that contribute toair, water, and soil pollution and it does not contribute to the problem of chemical manufacturing and waste disposal)
5. Our bodies will thank us!

Some Interesting Facts Concerning Pesticides
1. The EPA estimates that US sales of pesticides in 2000-2001 exceeded $11 billion dollars, thus representing over 2 billion pounds of pesticides being dumped on U.S. farm soil, homes, gardens, schools, golf courses and more. This number is about 8 pounds for every man, woman and child in the entire country.
2. There are over 21,000 different pesticides on the U.S. market containing over 875 active compounds. Many of these have been proven to have health implications and the others are unknown.
3. In the study, "Food and the Environment: A Consumer's Perspective," 86 percent of respondents said they believe there is a connection between the health of the environment and their own well-being.
4. Since 1945, total U.S. crop losses from insect damage have nearly doubled. During the same time, insecticide use has increased tenfold. Today, seventy-one known carcinogenic pesticides are sprayed on food crops. (In Harmony's report, "Pesticides: Losing Their Effectiveness")
5. EPA estimates that there are approximately 20,000 physician diagnosed pesticide poisonings each year among agricultural workers. These are only thee ones which have been reported.
6. The EPA reports that Americans ingest and are exposed to over 167 times more dioxin every day than the acceptable daily level.
7. According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, only 1% of all imported fruits and vegetables are tested by the Food and Drug Administration for illegal pesticide residues.
8. The CDC has gone on record as stating… “Pesticides are toxic to life forms by their very design”

Use At Least 10% Organic For A Better World
Here are some statistics concerning the incorporation of organic products into our own lifestyles which we find to be faithful and staggering.By converting at least 10% of your food, fiber and cosmetic purchases you will;
Eliminate pesticides from 98 million daily U.S. servings of drinking water.
Assure 20 million daily servings of milk that are produced without antibiotics & genetically modified growth hormones.
Assure 53 million daily servings of pesticide-free fruit and vegetables. (Enough for 10 million kids to have five daily servings.)
Eliminate use of growth hormones, genetically engineered drugs and feeds, and 2.5 million pounds of antibiotics used on livestock annually. (More than twice the amount of antibiotics used to treat human infections.)
Assure that 915 million animals are treated more humanely.
Fight climate change by capturing an additional 6.5 billion pounds of carbon in soil. (That's the equivalent of taking 2 million cars, each averaging 12,000 miles per year, off the road.)
Eliminate 2.9 billion barrels of imported oil annually. (Equal to 406,000 Olympic eight-lane competition pools.)
Restore 25,800 square miles of degraded soils to rich, highly productive cropland. (An amount of land equal to the size of West Virginia.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mountain Rose Herb

At Mountain Rose Herbs we are proud to be the nations largest retailer of certified organic herbal products. In fact, we believe that when it comes to your health and well being, organics should be your first and only choice. When we review materials, or survey harvesting sites we always take our health, and the health of our customers into very serious consideration. If an herbal product is available in a Certified Organic form, that will be our first and only choice for our products…. regardless of price. After all, it is our health that we are talking about, so why skimp? We are hopeful that one-day soon all the products that you see throughout our catalog will be grown and sold with organic certification, and we are currently forming partnerships with several organic associations and farmers. The point of this is to implement a ubiquitous acceptance of organic herb cultivation and to introduce more of these products to the public. In addition to this a good number of our products are grown biodynamic. To find out more about this please check the web for a multitude of biodynamic articles and organizations. We can never stress the importance of organics enough, so to make things simple we have highlighted why the world needs not just organic but certified organic. There is a small selection of herbal products offered by Mountain Rose Herbs that are not certified organic. In this case, they were harvested in the wild (wildcrafted), thus liberating ourselves from commercial farming dependencies, where chemical use may be employed.
Pesticides? No Thanks!
Organic farming methods often involve more labor but take far less of a toll on the environment and your health. In fact they improve the local ecology through soil building, crop rotation, careful harvesting, assimilation of the local environment and composting. Conventional non-organic crops require large amounts of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers which are directly sprayed on the crops or injected into the ground. This presents serious problems in the form of run-off from the originating farms, and contributes to the contamination of our ground water supply. This residue will also be fed through wildlife by a process that is known as bio-accumulation, forever changing the blueprints mother nature designed. It also neutralizes the composition of the soil creating an "addict"-like dependency for synthetic supplements, which of course lead to an increased use in chemicals. We need to remind ourselves that when we do not buy organic, we are assuming a risk. Not only with the planet but also with our health.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Planting Roses

It is best to plant your roses between spring and early summer so that they have time to develop a root system before winter sets in.
Roses don’t like to be crowded, so give them enough room. Hybrid teas, grandifloras, and floribundas should be planted 18 to 30 inches apart.
Climbers should be planted 8 to 12 feet apart. Miniatures can be planted approximately 12 to 15 inches apart.
If you have container roses, make sure they have been watered and keep them wet while working. Dig holes for your roses that are 2 ½ times the size of the root ball. It is a good idea to put some well composted organic matter in the bottom of the hole. Mix more composted matter with the soil that you removed, but are planning to put back in the hole.
If you don’t have composted matter available, you can substitute a good quality planting mix. It is best to use planting mix that doesn’t contain chemical fertilizers, although it is sometimes difficult to find.
Take the rose plant out of the container and put the rose plant in the hole.
Pack the prepared dirt under and around the rose, making sure that the dirt on the top of the rose root-ball is level with the ground. It is a good idea to put a straight stick across the hole to make sure the dirt level of the rose is the same as the ground level. If your rose is planted above or below ground level, it may have a difficult time growing properly.
Planting bare-root roses is the same process, except that you must gently pack the dirt around the roots. If you have a grafted rose, you need to make sure that the graft union is a little bit below ground level.
Purchasing organic rose fertilizer will insure that you have fertilizer to add during the growing season, if you don't already have it on hand at home.
Mulching will help your roses after they are planted. Mulching is the practice of adding plant material, such as leaves, dead grass, or shredded bark on top of the soil. The plant material will eventually be broken down and pulled into the soil by soil denizens. It will become humus. Mulching also helps to retain moisture in the soil. In a natural environment, leaves fall to the ground and stay there. They act as mulch. For more information on mulching, see the linked article at Clean Air Gardening

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Rose garden

Exotic Red rose

Romantic Rose

Pose Rose Girl

Traditional Rose Festival

Monday, July 14, 2008

Name: Sweet Surrender

Class: Hybrid Tea Rose (Modern Large Flowered)

Hybridizer/Date: Weeks, USA 1983

Parentage: seedling x Tiffany

Fragrance: VERY strong, tea ARS

Color: Medium pink

Awards: All America Rose Selection 1983 40 petals

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Name: Playboy

ARS Color: Red blend (Orange, yellow and red)

Class: Modern Cluster Flowered Floribunda

Synonym: Cheerio Hybridizer/Date: Cocker, Scotland 1976

Parentage: City of Leeds x (Chanelle x Piccadilly)

Fragrance: Mild Awards: RNRS Trial Ground Certificate 1975,

Portland Gold Medal 1989

Friday, July 11, 2008


Name: Summer Fashion
Designation: JACale ARS
Color: Yellow blend
Class: Modern Cluster Flowered Floribunda
Synonym: Arc de Triomphe Hybridizer/
Date: Warriner, USA 1986
Parentage: Precilla x Bridal
Pink Fragrance: Strong Awards: 20 petals

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Name: Purple Passion
Designation: JAColpur
Class: Hybrid Tea Rose (Modern Large Flowered)
Hybridizer/Date: Dr. Keith W. Zary, USA 1999 Parentage: ?
Fragrance: Extremely Strong, sweet lemon, citrus
ARS Color: Mauve and mauve blend 30 petals

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Name: Veteran's Honor
Synonym: Five Roses Rose, City of Newcastle, Lady in Red, Five Roses, City of Newcastle Bicentennary Designation: JACopper
Class: Hybrid Tea Rose (Modern Large Flowered)
Hybridizer/Date: Keith W. Zary, USA 1997
Parentage: Unknown
Fragrance: Medium to Strong, Raspberry
ARS Color: Dark Red 40 or more petals

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Name: Sunset Celebration
Synonym: Chantoli, Exotic, Warm Wishes
Designation: FRYxotic
Class: Hybrid Tea Rose (Modern Large Flowered)
Hybridizer/Date: Fryer, England 1994
Parentage: Pot O'Gold x(seedling x Cheshire Life)
Fragrance: Mild or strong depending on who you ask, fruity
ARS Color: Apricot and Apricot blend
Awards: All America Rose Selection 1998, RNRS Trial Ground Certificate 1993, New Zealand Rose Society Best Hybrid Tea 1996, Belfast Gold Medal 1996, The Hague Gold Medal and The Golden Rose Award 1997 35 petals

Monday, July 7, 2008


Name: Graham Thomas
Synonym: English Yellow, Graham Stuart Thomas
Designation: AUSmas
Class: English Rose Modern Shrub
Hybridizer/Date: David Austin, U.K., 1983
Parentage: Charles Austin x IcebergXSeedling
Fragrance: 'Pleasant'
ARS Color: Yellow Awards:

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Parfum beauty
Name: Perfume Beauty
Synonym: Fragrant Lady, Mary Potter
Designation: MEIniacin
Class: Hybrid Tea Rose (Modern Large Flowered)
Hybridizer/Date: Meilland, France 1991
Parentage: MEIlista x (Carina x Silvia)
Fragrance: Strong
ARS Color: Medium Pink

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Soil is the key to healthy and beautiful roses. Dig into your rose plot in several places to see what the soil it is like. Soil is seldom perfect. It may have too much clay, too much sand, tons of rocks, or any of a dozen different problems. pH is also important.
You should test your soil pH. pH kits are available at nurseries and over the internet. A good pH test kit is worth the expense because inexpensive ones are often inaccurate. Most roses grow well with a soil pH of 5.5 to 7, although a pH of 6.5 is ideal. pH is a measure of acid-base balance and uses a scale of 1 to 14. 1 is extremely acid; 7 is neutral; and 14 is extremely basic (alkaline). Few flowers will grow in a pH that is too acid or too alkaline.
A pH of 6.5 is the point where nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, plus trace minerals, are most easily available to your flowers. Arid regions tend to have alkaline soils and regions with heavy rainfall tend to have acidic soils.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Choosing Your Plants

Choose hardy roses. Generally, old varieties of roses are the hardiest. Try to pick roses that haven’t been grafted onto a different root stock. Choose the colors you like. Bare-root roses are less expensive than potted roses, but potted roses are easier to plant and more likely to survive
Choose flowers from the onion family, or other companion families that will complement your roses. Once you have chosen your colors and plants, and have decided how to arrange them and what your rose garden will look like, you can dig in and begin working with your soil.

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