Saturday, June 28, 2008
Rose Garden Location
Your first step in selecting a location for your rose bed is make a quick surveillance of your property and select a site that has complete access to sunlight. Roses require a daily dose of at least six hours of sunlight in order to thrive and blossom. If you are beginning a rose bed for the first time it might be good as well to get some gardening advice and your local garden center should be able to provide a free gardening tip or two.
Rose garden design is not rocket science but it doses require some planning and preparation. The basic gardening tips will also apply. Ensure that the rose plants have adequate space to grow within the rose bed and that you have room to look after the care and planting of your roses. The soil in the area should be well-drained as roses do not like to have “wet feet”. Use only the best quality fertilizer to prepare the rose bed before planting and make sure that this space is cleared of debris.
Roses as we know will grow in almost any type of soil but they prefer fertile soil that is high in organic matter. They also like chemical fertilizers versus organic fertilizers so you should add a quantity of superphosphate to the soil before planting. Choose your fertilizer wisely and don’t be afraid to ask your local expert for their gardening advice.
You can begin getting your location ready for planting as soon as any frost in out of the ground. If you are beginning your rose gardening experience remember the gardening tips from above and clear and clean the area and prepare and fertilize the soil. As soon as the temperature rises you can plant your roses and then wait as the miracle of creation occurs.
During the spring you should water the roses once a week if they don’t get any rain and as the weather grows hotter you should water them more frequently. Monitor your thriving rose bushes for insects and diseases throughout the summer and keep cleaning up the soil and area around them.
In the fall you can still enjoy your roses as they will continue to bloom during September and October. They may need a little care and pruning of dead canes throughout this period but they really do require very little maintenance. Sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas the plants will begin to go dormant and that is the time to prepare them for winter.
Most hardy roses require little winter protection and pruning your rose bushed is not recommended until spring. A good covering of mulch at the base of the plant will protect them from any frost damage and if you wish you can use rose cones to cover some of the smaller plants. If you do use cones you should cut the tops off them to ensure that they can get good air circulation during the winter period.
Then they and you can get a well-deserved rest until springtime arrives. Then it’s back to basic gardening and maintenance and preparing for the joys of another rose gardening season.
Friday, June 27, 2008
How Nature Works
Whether it is roses, other flower gardening, or just about any type of plant, the secret to successful organic gardening of any kind is to understand the way nature works. Nature always tries to maintain a delicate balance. By understanding the basics of how plants grow, you will understand how to maintain nature’s balance and thus keep your roses healthy.
Basically, water and nutrients are absorbed into the root system and pulled up through the stems into the green leaves by the process of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is a plant process that uses water and energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates that it uses for growth and other plant functions.
The carbohydrates are stored in the branches and stems of roses, trees, and other plants. These stored carbohydrates are used as reserve energy for the plant. When a crises occurs, such as a broken stem or pathogenic attack, the stored carbohydrates are used. Stored carbohydrates are also used in the spring to create new stems and foliage.
A natural soil environment teems with bacteria, fungi, nematodes, earthworms, and other soil organisms. Many of these soil organisms break down dead leaves and other materials into humus, which enriches the soil. Other soil organisms form symbiotic relationships with roses and other plants.
A symbiotic relationship is a relationship that is beneficial to all participants in the relationship. Mycorrhizal fungus creates an important symbiotic relation with roses and other plants. Mycorrhiza attaches itself to the roots of your roses and other plants. It uses some of the carbohydrates stored by your plants to grow, but helps your roses and other plants by making minerals more available. In a healthy soil environment, the mycorrhizae attached to one of your roses will grow and become interconnected to the mycorrhizae of other roses and plants. In effect, it provides a secondary root system for your garden plants.
Roses and other plants also release exudates from their roots that attract beneficial organisms. As an example, exudates from rose roots attract friendly bacterium that ward off pathogenic fungi.
Beneficial soil organisms, which are found in natural humus and compost, also make minerals more available to your roses and other plants. Beneficial soil organisms also help protect roses and other plants from predatory life forms.
Another important thing to understand is that plants of all kinds are a little bit like humans—some get along very well and some don’t. Some plants grow well together and actually help each other survive. Other plants inhibit neighboring plants. Plants that grow well together are referred to as companion plants. Companion plants are an important factor in any garden. We will talk more about them later.
Organic growers recognize that pathogenic attacks are an indication that the plant or plants are out of balance. Organic growers know that pathogens can’t get a foothold on a healthy plant.
Commonly used chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides destroy soil organisms and throw roses, flowers, and other plants out of balance. The imbalance created by these chemicals attracts pathogens.
Our meddling also creates havoc in roses and other plants. Over-pruning reduces carbohydrate storage, throws the plant out of balance, and often opens the door to pathogens. Hybridization often creates weaker plants. The practice of grafting rose stems onto a different root stock often creates roses that are susceptible to pathogenic attacks.
Basically, water and nutrients are absorbed into the root system and pulled up through the stems into the green leaves by the process of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is a plant process that uses water and energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates that it uses for growth and other plant functions.
The carbohydrates are stored in the branches and stems of roses, trees, and other plants. These stored carbohydrates are used as reserve energy for the plant. When a crises occurs, such as a broken stem or pathogenic attack, the stored carbohydrates are used. Stored carbohydrates are also used in the spring to create new stems and foliage.
A natural soil environment teems with bacteria, fungi, nematodes, earthworms, and other soil organisms. Many of these soil organisms break down dead leaves and other materials into humus, which enriches the soil. Other soil organisms form symbiotic relationships with roses and other plants.
A symbiotic relationship is a relationship that is beneficial to all participants in the relationship. Mycorrhizal fungus creates an important symbiotic relation with roses and other plants. Mycorrhiza attaches itself to the roots of your roses and other plants. It uses some of the carbohydrates stored by your plants to grow, but helps your roses and other plants by making minerals more available. In a healthy soil environment, the mycorrhizae attached to one of your roses will grow and become interconnected to the mycorrhizae of other roses and plants. In effect, it provides a secondary root system for your garden plants.
Roses and other plants also release exudates from their roots that attract beneficial organisms. As an example, exudates from rose roots attract friendly bacterium that ward off pathogenic fungi.
Beneficial soil organisms, which are found in natural humus and compost, also make minerals more available to your roses and other plants. Beneficial soil organisms also help protect roses and other plants from predatory life forms.
Another important thing to understand is that plants of all kinds are a little bit like humans—some get along very well and some don’t. Some plants grow well together and actually help each other survive. Other plants inhibit neighboring plants. Plants that grow well together are referred to as companion plants. Companion plants are an important factor in any garden. We will talk more about them later.
Organic growers recognize that pathogenic attacks are an indication that the plant or plants are out of balance. Organic growers know that pathogens can’t get a foothold on a healthy plant.
Commonly used chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides destroy soil organisms and throw roses, flowers, and other plants out of balance. The imbalance created by these chemicals attracts pathogens.
Our meddling also creates havoc in roses and other plants. Over-pruning reduces carbohydrate storage, throws the plant out of balance, and often opens the door to pathogens. Hybridization often creates weaker plants. The practice of grafting rose stems onto a different root stock often creates roses that are susceptible to pathogenic attacks.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rose History
Roses are the most revered flower in the world today and have probably always been the most revered flower. Ancient civilizations revered them for their beauty, aromatic oil, and medicinal powers.
Rose petals have tannin, which is an astringent, and were used to control bleeding. Rose petals were also used as an infusion for diarrhea. Rose oil and rose water were used in China for stomach and colon problems. It would be easy to write a book about the many early uses of roses.
Modern rose classification refers to wild varieties of roses as ‘Species’
roses. Roses belong to the family Rosaceae (plums, apples, almonds, etc.), and the genus Rosa. Wild Species Roses contain many different varieties. They have colorful five-petaled flowers, usually bloom once in the summer, and are usually very hardy.
Hybridization and other ‘meddling’ has added many beautiful colors and other traits, but has often created weaker plants. As an example, grafting one kind of rose onto a different rose root stock is a common practice, which often creates a rose that is more prone to pathogenic attack.
The oldest rose fossils that have been found are in Colorado. They were alive 40 million years ago. Wild roses grow naturally in many parts of the northern hemisphere; from India and the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley to Egypt; and from Siberia and Europe to the Americas. In the Americas, they grow from the snows of Canada to the tropics of Mexico.
However, wild roses are found most frequently in temperate climates and, amazingly, do not seem to be native to the southern hemisphere.
Roses were the most sacred flowers in Egypt and used as offerings for the Goddess Isis. They have also been found in Egyptian tombs, where they were formed into funerary wreaths. Confucius, who lived from 551 BC to 479 BC, reported that the Imperial Chinese library had many books about roses.
Indian sages referred to roses in ancient Sanskrit literature. Ancient Samarians of Mesopotamia (in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley) mentioned roses in a cuneiform tablet written in approximately 2860 BC. Obviously, roses were used and cultivated long before they were documented by early cultures.
Roses were also cultivated by the Grecians and Romans. It is possible that Romans introduced cultivated roses to England and France. The English were already cultivating and hybridizing roses in the 15th Century. That’s when the English War of Roses took place. The winner of the war, Tudor Henry VII, created the Rose of England (Tudor Rose) by crossbreeding other roses.
Cultivated roses were brought to the Americas by the 16th Century.
In the early 1800s, Empress Josephine who was now divorced from Napoleon, created a rose garden with every known variety. She also encouraged the crossbreeding of roses.
Besides Species Roses, there are now two other important categories—Modern Roses and Old Roses. Modern roses are generally accepted as roses that were developed from 1867 to present (1867 is the generally accepted date of the first hybrid tea rose). Old Roses are roses that existed before 1867. There are 15 categories of Old Roses and 10 categories of Modern Roses.
You can find a lot more fascinating rose history if you spend time on the internet or visit your local library.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Maintaining an organic yard is an excellent way to protect your family, pets, and wildlife from harmful chemicals. It is also an excellent way to help create a sustainable environment.
Roses are the ‘Queen of Flowers’ and can add elegance and a real sense of joy to any yard. If you love roses, you will be pleased to find that growing them organically is easy and inexpensive. The real secret to all organic gardening is a basic understanding of how nature works. Once you understand the basics of nature’s garden, tending your own organic roses will be a thrilling adventure.
Before digging into mother earth’s gardening secrets, you may be interested in the amazing history of roses.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Creating Your Own Rose Garden
If you want to plant a rose garden that consists of two or three roses, or a whole bunch of roses, you need to begin planning.
The first thing to do is to think about where you want to plant your roses and what colors you might like. Be sure to consider the other colors in your yard, as well as your house, walkways, etc. Roses grow best with a minimum of six hours of full sun, although some varieties can tolerate a bit more shade. Your shade/full sun areas will affect your possible rose garden locations.
The next thing to do is to find out what roses grow well in your climate.
Look at rose gardens in your local area to see what roses seem to grow well and how much you like them. Ask nursery experts what roses grow well in your area. Another good source is your local rose club. This will give you a good idea of the colors, sizes, and other characteristics that will grow well in your area.
If you want to plant a rose garden that consists of two or three roses, or a whole bunch of roses, you need to begin planning.
The first thing to do is to think about where you want to plant your roses and what colors you might like. Be sure to consider the other colors in your yard, as well as your house, walkways, etc. Roses grow best with a minimum of six hours of full sun, although some varieties can tolerate a bit more shade. Your shade/full sun areas will affect your possible rose garden locations.
The next thing to do is to find out what roses grow well in your climate.
Look at rose gardens in your local area to see what roses seem to grow well and how much you like them. Ask nursery experts what roses grow well in your area. Another good source is your local rose club. This will give you a good idea of the colors, sizes, and other characteristics that will grow well in your area.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Stop and Draw the Roses
How to Draw Roses
The most common search term that leads people to my blog is “How to Draw Roses”. Whenever I get traffic from that search I feel bad, because I’ve never written instructions for drawing roses. I can imagine their disappointment when they get here. So this post is for them.
Of course my knee-jerk answer to, “How do you draw roses?” is, “The same way I draw anything else.” I know that’s not what these people are looking for, but it’s true. The approach to drawing any subject is basically same.
I think the most important skill required for good drawing is learning how to see. And the second most important skill is drawing what you actually see, and not a picture that is a symbol for what you see. Everyone has seen a child’s drawing of a tree. It looks something like this…
And we all know it is meant to be a tree. It has all the important tree parts - a trunk, branches, the leaf canopy. It’s a tree! Except I’ve never seen a tree that looks exactly like this. In fact I’ve noticed that every tree looks different, even trees of the same species. As a child I learned to draw roses like this...
I thought I was pretty clever. But this is what a rose actually looks like…
copyright 2007 Stacy L. Rowan
So how do you get from a drawing a symbol of a rose to drawing an actual rose? Start by looking closely at a rose. Really look at it. Look at the shapes of the individual petals, how the petals relate to each other, how the petals sometimes fold over, all the details that make a rose a rose. Don’t try to draw anything until you have spent time really looking at it. And when you draw a subject, for heavens sake, make it easy on yourself and have the subject in front of you. Or at least have a reference photo of a subject. (Make sure it is your own photo, or one you have permission to use, so you are not in danger of breaking any copyright laws!) Most artists don’t draw without references.
So how would I draw a rose? I’d start out by drawing a simple shape that the rose can fit inside. By simple shape I mean square, rectangle, oval – you know, those shapes you learned in kindergarten.
copyright 2007 Stacy L. Rowan
Then I start drawing the outside petals because they are easiest to relate to the shape. After the outside petals are drawn I start thinking about simplifying. I don’t try to draw every single petal. I just draw enough petals to get the essence of the rose. There are artists who draw every petal, I am sure. But I tend to lose my place in the complex center portions of the rose. So I fudge it. And I have yet to have anyone say, “Hey, you missed a few petals there.”
copyright 2007 Stacy L. Rowan
Of course, for anyone starting out with drawing, there are tools you can use until you are comfortable drawing freehand. Some people start out tracing their reference. Or you can use a grid to help you transfer the drawing to your paper. Sighting or using a pencil to measure lines might also help. Ultimately, drawing is like any other skill. It takes lots of practice. If you are interested in seeing more in depth information about learning how to draw, I recommend you check out Katherine Tyrrell's Squidoo lens "Drawing and Sketching - Resources for Artists".
So that is my lesson in “How to Draw Roses”. I hope people searching for that information find this post useful. At least now I can stop feeling like I am letting these searchers down.
The most common search term that leads people to my blog is “How to Draw Roses”. Whenever I get traffic from that search I feel bad, because I’ve never written instructions for drawing roses. I can imagine their disappointment when they get here. So this post is for them.
Of course my knee-jerk answer to, “How do you draw roses?” is, “The same way I draw anything else.” I know that’s not what these people are looking for, but it’s true. The approach to drawing any subject is basically same.
I think the most important skill required for good drawing is learning how to see. And the second most important skill is drawing what you actually see, and not a picture that is a symbol for what you see. Everyone has seen a child’s drawing of a tree. It looks something like this…
And we all know it is meant to be a tree. It has all the important tree parts - a trunk, branches, the leaf canopy. It’s a tree! Except I’ve never seen a tree that looks exactly like this. In fact I’ve noticed that every tree looks different, even trees of the same species. As a child I learned to draw roses like this...
I thought I was pretty clever. But this is what a rose actually looks like…
copyright 2007 Stacy L. Rowan
So how do you get from a drawing a symbol of a rose to drawing an actual rose? Start by looking closely at a rose. Really look at it. Look at the shapes of the individual petals, how the petals relate to each other, how the petals sometimes fold over, all the details that make a rose a rose. Don’t try to draw anything until you have spent time really looking at it. And when you draw a subject, for heavens sake, make it easy on yourself and have the subject in front of you. Or at least have a reference photo of a subject. (Make sure it is your own photo, or one you have permission to use, so you are not in danger of breaking any copyright laws!) Most artists don’t draw without references.
So how would I draw a rose? I’d start out by drawing a simple shape that the rose can fit inside. By simple shape I mean square, rectangle, oval – you know, those shapes you learned in kindergarten.
copyright 2007 Stacy L. Rowan
Then I start drawing the outside petals because they are easiest to relate to the shape. After the outside petals are drawn I start thinking about simplifying. I don’t try to draw every single petal. I just draw enough petals to get the essence of the rose. There are artists who draw every petal, I am sure. But I tend to lose my place in the complex center portions of the rose. So I fudge it. And I have yet to have anyone say, “Hey, you missed a few petals there.”
copyright 2007 Stacy L. Rowan
Of course, for anyone starting out with drawing, there are tools you can use until you are comfortable drawing freehand. Some people start out tracing their reference. Or you can use a grid to help you transfer the drawing to your paper. Sighting or using a pencil to measure lines might also help. Ultimately, drawing is like any other skill. It takes lots of practice. If you are interested in seeing more in depth information about learning how to draw, I recommend you check out Katherine Tyrrell's Squidoo lens "Drawing and Sketching - Resources for Artists".
So that is my lesson in “How to Draw Roses”. I hope people searching for that information find this post useful. At least now I can stop feeling like I am letting these searchers down.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Flower Drawing - Rose
Flower Drawing - Rose
Drawing in Colored Pencil
I've left this drawing unfinished, to give you and idea of the stages in progress. The scanner hasn't handled the variation in reds - the more solid-looking petals have more variation in hue created by using several shades of red and magenta.
Outline the Form: Begin your drawing by sketching in the main form of the rose, choosing a color which is close to its color, and using as light a touch as possible.
Add Body Color: Colored pencil blends well but most colors (and especially yellow) can be rather transparent, so for a smooth graduation of color, you need to add overlapping fine layers rather than a single heavy layer. Begin with a faint layer of the main rose color, keeping any lighter-colored areas clear. This layer will help the darks blend more smoothly.
Add Darks: Look for the shadows in the flower, noting any areas of reflected light which will be lighter than the edge of the shadow. Depending on the color of the flower, these may include browns or dark purples, orange for a yellow bloom, or yellows or blues for a white flower.
Reserving any white highlights, add lighter values where the petals are more brightly lit.
Build Color in Layers: Shade in the body color of the flower, overlapping the light areas ande shadow areas. For large, flat areas, you can use several similar colors to add variation. Look for textures in the petals and let your pencil-strokes reflect these.
Work back over the drawing, adding layers to build up shadow, highlight and body color.
Tip: Choosing a good paper and quality pencils is important for colored pencil drawing. A lightweight hot-pressed watercolor paper works well. Some artists like Stonehenge (the paper used for this example) or similar rag papers. A good paper will hold many layers of pencil, while sketch paper tends to be too coarse, resulting in white patches. Soft, smooth pencils such as Prismacolor or Faber-Castell are easy to use; Derwent pencils are hard and are hard work to layer.
Drawing in Colored Pencil
I've left this drawing unfinished, to give you and idea of the stages in progress. The scanner hasn't handled the variation in reds - the more solid-looking petals have more variation in hue created by using several shades of red and magenta.
Outline the Form: Begin your drawing by sketching in the main form of the rose, choosing a color which is close to its color, and using as light a touch as possible.
Add Body Color: Colored pencil blends well but most colors (and especially yellow) can be rather transparent, so for a smooth graduation of color, you need to add overlapping fine layers rather than a single heavy layer. Begin with a faint layer of the main rose color, keeping any lighter-colored areas clear. This layer will help the darks blend more smoothly.
Add Darks: Look for the shadows in the flower, noting any areas of reflected light which will be lighter than the edge of the shadow. Depending on the color of the flower, these may include browns or dark purples, orange for a yellow bloom, or yellows or blues for a white flower.
Reserving any white highlights, add lighter values where the petals are more brightly lit.
Build Color in Layers: Shade in the body color of the flower, overlapping the light areas ande shadow areas. For large, flat areas, you can use several similar colors to add variation. Look for textures in the petals and let your pencil-strokes reflect these.
Work back over the drawing, adding layers to build up shadow, highlight and body color.
Tip: Choosing a good paper and quality pencils is important for colored pencil drawing. A lightweight hot-pressed watercolor paper works well. Some artists like Stonehenge (the paper used for this example) or similar rag papers. A good paper will hold many layers of pencil, while sketch paper tends to be too coarse, resulting in white patches. Soft, smooth pencils such as Prismacolor or Faber-Castell are easy to use; Derwent pencils are hard and are hard work to layer.
"Start By Drawing Pencil Sketches First..."
"Start By Drawing Pencil Sketches First..."
Tips for beginners
For beginners, the most important thing is to take your time. You can not expect to have a perfect hand drawn pencil sketch in an hour. Almost all great hand drawn pencil sketches have taken an enormous amount of time.
Most certainly they have come back to their drawing time and again to change and correct things and have spent more time to get the proportions right.
It can start off to be very frustrating for the beginner. And be assured, most artists haven't done a perfect drawing job first time around, but as you progress with practice and become more in touch with your drawings you will become addicted, and before long you will be drawing everyone and everything.
If you are working from a single piece of paper you will need a flat rigid piece of wood around an inch or two bigger than your piece of paper, which you can secure your paper on using a few pieces of blue tack to secure on each corner, you may not need this as it can be easier without, it's just what your comfortable with. (Do you know what does a good drawing pencil set consist of? Find more information on Drawing Pencil Set).
Okay, are you ready to learn how to draw pencil sketches in a simple step-by-step drawing lesson?
Let's start...
Drawing pencil sketches No. 1 - Pencil drawings of angels - An easy way to have your pencil drawings of angels. Have a look at some examples of angel wings drawings.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 2 - Animal pencil sketches - Provides animal pencil sketches or animal pencil drawings examples and step by step how to learn to draw animals such as a horse, a wolf, tigers, a scorpion, a snake, dolphins and even a butterfly.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 3 - Pencil flower drawings - Provides easy ways to have pencil flower drawings through some flower sketches examples and step by step how to learn to draw flowers. You can start by drawing a Hibiscus sp. in your Hawaiian flower drawing topic.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 4 - Rose Pencil Drawings and Sketches - Learn to draw roses. There are many rose pencil drawings or rose sketches you can draw.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 5 - Pencil Sketches of People - Pencil sketches of people are the most popular art of pencil drawings. There are many categories that you can have a look...
Drawing pencil-sketches No. 6 - How To Draw Cartoon Characters - How to
Tips for beginners
For beginners, the most important thing is to take your time. You can not expect to have a perfect hand drawn pencil sketch in an hour. Almost all great hand drawn pencil sketches have taken an enormous amount of time.
Most certainly they have come back to their drawing time and again to change and correct things and have spent more time to get the proportions right.
It can start off to be very frustrating for the beginner. And be assured, most artists haven't done a perfect drawing job first time around, but as you progress with practice and become more in touch with your drawings you will become addicted, and before long you will be drawing everyone and everything.
If you are working from a single piece of paper you will need a flat rigid piece of wood around an inch or two bigger than your piece of paper, which you can secure your paper on using a few pieces of blue tack to secure on each corner, you may not need this as it can be easier without, it's just what your comfortable with. (Do you know what does a good drawing pencil set consist of? Find more information on Drawing Pencil Set).
Okay, are you ready to learn how to draw pencil sketches in a simple step-by-step drawing lesson?
Let's start...
Drawing pencil sketches No. 1 - Pencil drawings of angels - An easy way to have your pencil drawings of angels. Have a look at some examples of angel wings drawings.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 2 - Animal pencil sketches - Provides animal pencil sketches or animal pencil drawings examples and step by step how to learn to draw animals such as a horse, a wolf, tigers, a scorpion, a snake, dolphins and even a butterfly.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 3 - Pencil flower drawings - Provides easy ways to have pencil flower drawings through some flower sketches examples and step by step how to learn to draw flowers. You can start by drawing a Hibiscus sp. in your Hawaiian flower drawing topic.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 4 - Rose Pencil Drawings and Sketches - Learn to draw roses. There are many rose pencil drawings or rose sketches you can draw.
Drawing pencil sketches No. 5 - Pencil Sketches of People - Pencil sketches of people are the most popular art of pencil drawings. There are many categories that you can have a look...
Drawing pencil-sketches No. 6 - How To Draw Cartoon Characters - How to
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
red rose
This about half of the whole drawing of the rose flower and it's buds.
This sketch was used for the detail needed in producing the Sepia ink drawing in the Gouache and pen and ink gallery. It was drawn, using a 2B pencil on cartridge paper, as it grew in situ. I've added a small section of the rose so you can see the pencil marks in more detail.
Drawing a Rose
Here are some trick and tips how to drawing a rose by Hillary Sadur
Drawing a Rose
Software: Ulead PhotoImpact 6 and 7
Author: Hillary Sadur
Home Page: EwaNevaland
PI Projects:
Skill Level: All
Featured Tools: Airbrush, paintbrush. Wacom or other graphire tablet is preferable
Description: This is a fun way to try out your artistic ability. This was done rather quickly and is merely to show you, step-by-step, how to draw a single rose and bud.
Open a 200x400 white canvas, resolution of 600 pixels. Turn on the grid in order to help you with the drawing (if necessary).
Choose airbrush at approximately 75% transparency; color = black; size=1.
Begin by placing a light "+" in the center. Use 1/3 of the top space to outline rose. Use 1/3 bottom area to outline leaf. Then draw your forms and shapes progressively.
Note: Let me also remind you to save your image as a UFO file often.
It's important to be loose in your drawing to just position the forms. Also, if using the Wacom graphire tablet, use just slight pressure in the initial sketching. As you progress, draw quick, short strokes (just as you would with a pencil).
Please note that the drawing step pictures have been reduced somewhat to save space. If you wish, just right hand click and save the picture and the actual size will be saved.
This is when you start adding your detail. Remember, I've adjusted the size of the actual picture for the page; however, the full size is what will be saved.
You may want to choose the paintbrush, color-black; size=1.
BTW, it's important to remember that, if you wanted a drawn rose to look like a photograph, then just take a photo. Play and have fun with this little rose and its bud.
On this one, I added Drop Water and did just a bit of blending. Because this was done quickly, I didn't deal with erasing; however, it could definitely be cleaned up.
On this one, I just played with some coloring and added the Texturizer effect -- Sandstone setting (relief=2)
On this rendition, after I did the black and white sketch, I applied the linear gradient tool set at a medium rose to dark green & applied it diagonally from top left to bottom right, then I applied the Ulead Texturizer, set at relief=2 and colored the rose, using the paintbrush tool set at transparency=0 and 2 colors. I picked green red and chose colors from dark to light to fill in the leaves and rose petals, using the lightest shade for the highlights. The dewdrop was pure white.
I then applied the Blend Emboss filter from FM Filters.
You can always save the image you've been working on as a UFO file and practice coloring techniques.
That's it. Just sign it and claim it as your own!
Good luck and email me if you have any questions.
Monday, June 16, 2008
For other uses, see Rose (disambiguation).
"Red rose" redirects here. For the tea company, see Red Rose Tea.
Bridal Pink, hybrid tea rose, Morwell Rose Garden
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Subfamily: Rosoideae
Genus: Rosa
Between 100 and 150, see list
A rose is a perennial shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family rosaceae, that contains over 100 species. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp thorns. Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Natives, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance. [1]
The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval shaped leaflets. The plants fleshy edible fruit is called a rose hip. Plants range in size from tiny miniature roses to climbers that can reach 20 metres. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, giving rise to the many types of garden roses.
The name originates from Latin rosa, borrowed through Oscan from colonial Greek in southern Italy: rhodon (Aeolic form: wrodon), from Aramaic wurrdā, from Assyrian wurtinnu, from Old Iranian *warda (cf. Armenian vard, Avestan warda, Sogdian ward, Parthian wâr).[2][3]
Attar of rose is the steam-extracted essential oil from rose flowers that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Rose hips are sometimes made into jam, jelly and marmalade or brewed for tea, mainly for their vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce an oil used in skin products.
"Red rose" redirects here. For the tea company, see Red Rose Tea.
Bridal Pink, hybrid tea rose, Morwell Rose Garden
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Subfamily: Rosoideae
Genus: Rosa
Between 100 and 150, see list
A rose is a perennial shrub or vine of the genus Rosa, within the family rosaceae, that contains over 100 species. The species form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp thorns. Most are native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Natives, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance. [1]
The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound, with sharply toothed oval shaped leaflets. The plants fleshy edible fruit is called a rose hip. Plants range in size from tiny miniature roses to climbers that can reach 20 metres. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize, giving rise to the many types of garden roses.
The name originates from Latin rosa, borrowed through Oscan from colonial Greek in southern Italy: rhodon (Aeolic form: wrodon), from Aramaic wurrdā, from Assyrian wurtinnu, from Old Iranian *warda (cf. Armenian vard, Avestan warda, Sogdian ward, Parthian wâr).[2][3]
Attar of rose is the steam-extracted essential oil from rose flowers that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is widely used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Rose hips are sometimes made into jam, jelly and marmalade or brewed for tea, mainly for their vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce an oil used in skin products.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Rose Drawing Tutorial - How to Draw with Colored Pencils
I made this tutorial to show step by step how to draw a realistic pink rose. For this lesson I will be working on Canson Mi Tientes black paper and using Prismacolor Colored Pencils. Every color that I mention will be of the Prismacolor brand. :)
Step 1 The first step is a basic outline. Since it is extremely hard to erase colored pencil, I did my outline on a seperate piece of paper and transfered it.
Step 2 I started on the left side. I always work this way since I am right handed, so I never have to rest my hand on a finished part of the drawing. I applied "deco pink" and "light peach" to this petal and used "process red" for the edges. I used white for the highlights on the edges of the petal.
Step 3 I move on to other petals on the rose. My light source is coming from the left and above so the left side of this rose will be lighter than the right. The edges of the petals will be white. Again I used a combination of "deco pink", "light peach", and "process red".
Step 4 Using the same colors, I continue left to right. For the most part, every new petal will be white on the left side and a darker tone on the right.
Step 5 Paying attention to my reference picture I move on working on new petals. It's important in realistic drawing to work one small area at a time. If you focus on the drawing as a whole it will be overwhelming. Think of realistic drawing as a puzzle, work one area at a time and in the end it will all come together.
Step 6 I am working into the right side of the rose now and this area has to be darker than the left side. I used "rosy beige", "process red", "clay rose", and "crimson lake" for these darker areas. My eyes were getting a little strained from working with the pinks so I started working on the stem of the rose. I used 3 different shades of green for this, "true green" for lights, "grass green" for midtones, and "dark green" for darks. The stem follows the same light source rules as the petals. The left side will be lighter than the right side.
Step 7 I worked more on the petals.
Step 8 The drawing is almost complete at this point. I work some more on the petals and the leaves at the bottom, using the same greens I used for the stem.
Step 9 The drawing is completed. At this point you can go back and do some detail work and clean up areas that need it. I added some veins to some of the petals and some other details.
I hope this tutorial has helped you in some way or another. I can explain how I do things all day but the basic idea of drawing is to just understand how tones flow and to train your eye to see what others don't see.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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